Clip Named to Fast Company’s 2022 Best Workplaces for Innovators List
MEXICOCITY, August 2, 2022, – Clip, Mexico’s leading digital payment platform, todayannounced that it was named to Fast Company’s 2022Best Workplaces forInnovators list. The company earned the position of number 70on the list of 100 companies.
Each year, Fast Company’s Best Workplaces forInnovators list recognizes companies from across the globe who empower employees atall levels to improve processes, create new products, or invent new ways ofdoing business. Winners are companies with measurable, visibleresults in their efforts to cultivate internal innovation that creates externalimpact.
“We are thrilled to benamed to this year’s list and honored to be recognized as a company thatfosters a culture of innovation,” said Victor VelazquezPatron, VP of People and Organization Development at Clip. “Clip is a companywhere ordinary people do extraordinary things, and this recognition from FastCompany is a testament to our rich company culture and strong companyleadership.”
Clip’s spot on the list wasdetermined based upon the company’s measurable internal innovation; its investments to encourage and support internal innovation; effortsmade to invest in human capital and bolster the innovation infrastructure inkey markets; and the steps taken to foster a workplace culture where allemployees feel empowered to innovate.
Submissions for the 2022 Best Workplaces forInnovators were individually evaluated by a team of FastCompany editors and reporters. Finalists were then reviewed by a panel ofjudges comprising editors, business leaders and other innovators, whorecommended the winners for the final list.

As a leading fintech company, we are frequently under the spot.
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